lørdag 15. januar 2011

Where are you my little angel?

Where are you my little angel?
I've prayed so hard you'd come,
But so far you haven't answered,
It's me again...YOUR MOM!

I've wanted you for so long,
I've prayed so many years,
I've tried and tried to find you,
I've cried so many tears.

Are you somewhere close by waiting?
Maybe even inside of me?
Or are you still in heaven waiting
until you're meant to be?

The questions are the hardest
even though I know that God has a plan,
I'm still a simple, childless woman
who struggles to understand.

It's so very hard to be patient
awaiting your arrival,
But sometimes I feel that this
has all become a game of survival.

Maybe you'll never get here
or maybe you'll be here before the year is through,
Not knowing is the hardest,
it leaves me wondering what to do.

The rollercoaster of emotions,
the highs and the lows,
I never know where I'll be
when the tears start to flow.

My heart aches to love you,
in fact it does already,
My arms ache to hold you,
my emotions are unsteady.

So much love awaits you,
so please let your journey begin,
I keep watching for a sign from you
time and time again.

I guess God is waiting to send you to us,
until his work is done,
I know that you will help him finish,
you my special one.

If God needs you a little longer,
that's alright with me,
Just know we'll be here waiting
for you to complete our family.

Jennifer Steen Kilpatrick

(Diktet fant jeg her)

2 kommentarer:

  1. her renner tårene, det var et nydelig og beskrivende dikt! snart er lillejenta eller lillegutten her, kanskje til og med to:)gla i deg!
